The group will include experts from various fields - science and education, law, experts in the field of investigation and data protection, ombudsmen representatives of national anti-doping agencies...
RUSADA Deputy Director General Margarita Pakhnotskaya takes part in a 46th meeting of the Ad Hoc European Committee for World Anti-Doping Agency (CAHAMA) meeting and 50th meeting of the Monitoring...
The Russian Anti-Doping Agency “RUSADA” Director General took part in the Conference “Partnership for clean competition”.
RUSADA Director General Yury Ganus took part in the panel discussion and section with the report “Modern practice in the fight against doping on the road to international cooperation”.
Russian Swimming Federation, following the decision by RAA RUSADA, rendered the decision that made athlete Moiseeva Olesya ineligible for 4 years for violation of art. 2.1 of the All-Russian Anti-Doping...
Russian Federation of Sports for Persons with Physical Impairment, following the decision by RAA RUSADA, rendered the decision that made athlete Obvintsev Pavel ineligible for 2 months for violation...
Russian Wrestling Federation, following the decision by RAA RUSADA, rendered the decision that made athletes Gusarov Valeriy, Labazanov Ibragim, Labazanov Chingiz ineligible.
We want to be near athletes and athletes’ personnle, together with all stakeholders interested in the fair and healthy sport. The VK platform is an effective tool for achieving these goals.
All-Russian Athletics Federation, following the decision by RAA RUSADA, rendered the decision that made athlete Khalikov Ruslan ineligible for 6 months for violation of art. 2.1 of the All-Russian ...
RAA "RUSADA" got reported that the doctor at one of the St. Petersburg medical institutions medical and physical education department prescribed meldonium to a minor athlete. After the athlete refused...