On April 9, Play True Day, the Russian anti-doping Agency "RUSADA" organized an online marathon with direct participation of the RUSADA top-management, special guests, WADA management, educational...
On April 9, on the Day of Clean Sports, the Russian Anti-Doping Agency RUSADA will hold an online marathon. Direct inclusion will cover five continents, and eminent athletes, representatives of international...
The Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne (Switzerland) ratified the Settlement Agreement concluded by RAA RUSADA, the Athlete Limonov Artem and Russian Basketball Federation effected on January...
All-Russian Athletics Federation, following the decision by RAA RUSADA, rendered the decision of disqualification of individual results of the Athlete Stepanova Alexandra from the date of violation...
All-Russian Athletics Federation, following the decision by RAA RUSADA, rendered the decision that made athlete Bobkov Dmitriy ineligible for 2 years for violation of art. 2.1 of the All-Russian Anti-Doping...
All-Russian Athletics Federation, following the decision by RAA RUSADA, rendered the decision that made athletes:
Knyazeva-Shirokova Anna ineligible for 1 year for violation of art. 2.10 of the...
The program includes a series of lectures on the role of values-based education in creating true champions, importance of the fight against doping in professional and recreational sports, as well ...
Therefore, the Russian Anti-Doping Agency “RUSADA” obliged its doping control personnel to use protective equipment, provided them with all means necessary to conduct the doping control procedure,...
On March 24, 2020 in Moscow at RUSADA office was held a meeting between RUSADA Director General Yuri Ganus and head of the All-Russian Athletics Federation Evgeny Yurchenko and Pyotr Ugolnikov.
WADA is monitoring the situation based on expert information from the World Health Organization and from other reliable sources. Most countries are putting strict measures in...