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The Committee of National and Non-Olympic Sports plans to strengthen anti-doping activities in sports federations


At the All-Russian meeting on topical problems of anti-doping policy implementation organized by RUSADA the issue of strengthening the prevention of anti-doping rules violations by athletes, coaches and athletes' staff of All-Russian non-Olympic sports federations was discussed.

On 6 July in RUSADA's office there was a meeting with representatives of the Russian Committee of National and Non-Olympic Sports (RCNNS) - vice-president Alexander Krylov and presidential advisor Igor Pavlyuk. Now the RCNNS of Russia unites and coordinates the activity of more than 70 public organizations of Non-Olympic sports.

"We are interested in that anti-doping rules are observed by all athletes and personnel of the federations of sports not included in the program of the Olympic Games. First of all, this work is important to protect the health of athletes, to make the competition fair for all. In cooperation with RUSADA we plan to organize educational anti-doping events for the management of federations and, of course, for athletes, "- summarized the meeting Igor Pavlyuk.

According to the Federal Law dated 04.12.2007 N 329-FZ "On physical culture and sport" and All-Russian anti-doping rules, All-Russian sports federations and professional sports leagues must comply with anti-doping rules and ensure the conditions for doping control at sport events.