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RUSADA and the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation held the first educational workshop “Anti-Doping for Law Enforcement Entities”


On September 25, 2019, the first educational workshop “Anti-Doping for Law Enforcement Entities” was held in Moscow.

The event was organized by Russian Anti-Doping Agency “RUSADA” and the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation for representatives of the Directorate General for Drug Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as drug control departments of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow and Moscow Region.

The workshop was devoted to the key aspects of possible anti-doping rules violations investigation process and interactions of law enforcement agencies with RUSADA and the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

The workshop included presentations by Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Igor Sidorkevich, RUSADA Deputy Director General Margarita Pakhnotskaya, Head of RUSADA Investigations Department Leonid Ivanov, Head of Anti-Doping Support and Inter-Agency Interactions Division of Science and Education Department of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation Veronika Loginova, Deputy Head of the Department on Activities for new psychoactive substances trafficking restrictions and doping counteracting of Directorate General for Drug Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Police Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Popkov and chief specialist of RUSADA educational programs Department Valeriya Konova.