RUSADA`s mission is to protect athletes` fundamental right to participate in doping- free sport. For this purpose, RUSADA, as any other anti-doping organization, uses two fundamentally different approaches.
RUSADA’s first objective is to inform the public and the sport community about the key provisions of the anti-doping rules, to form zero tolerance culture to doping, and also to implement and support value-based educational programs for short-, medium- and long-term perspective, effectively preventing usage of doping in sport.
RUSADA’s second objective is to plan and conduct testing, to investigate the facts of potential anti-doping rules violations, and also results management and conducting hearings on violations. This ensures inevitability of punishment of those athletes, coaches, doctors and other athlete support personnel, who committed anti-doping rules violations.
Within the framework of the implementation of the federal law No. 426-FZ (in the version of Federal Laws of June 23, 2014 No. 160-FZ, of July 13, 2015 No. 216-FZ, of May 01, 2016 No. 136-FZ) “On special assessment of work conditions”, special unscheduled assessment of the work conditions was conducted at the work places of the employees of Association Russian Anti-Doping Agency RUSADA because of the staffing-table adjustments and commissioning newly organized workplaces.
The special assessment of work conditions was conducted by PromTekhExpertisa Limited Liability Company which is included in the register of organizations authorized to conduct this type of assessment. RUSADA’s work processes were tested and measured. The assessment revealed no violations and no grounds for critical comments. The work places’ equipment complies with the hygiene standards. There is no need to carry out activities on improving the work conditions and occupational safety of RUSADA employees.
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