The main objective of the fight against doping is to protect the fundamental right of athletes to participate in doping free competitions. All the actions of RUSADA are devoted to achieving this goal, however, its full implementation is impossible without athletes’ participation, manifested in commitment to the clean sport ideals and in following anti-doping rules.
You can find detailed description about RUSADA activities in other sections. This section contains information that should be known by each athlete.
In its fight against doping RUSADA uses two main tools: education and control. Educational programs aim to prevent drug use, promote the ideals of clean sport and raise the awareness of athletes and athletes’ personnel about their rights and obligations and the main provisions of the anti-doping rules.
Doping control includes test planning, sample collection, samples analysis, and, if necessary, results management, investigation of anti-doping rule violations and conducting hearings.
According to the All-Russian anti-doping rules RUSADA is authorized to conduct testing on all athletes who are citizens or residents of the Russian Federation, licensees or members of sports organizations registered in the territory of the Russian Federation, including athletes who are not citizens or residents of the Russian Federation located on the territory of the Russian Federation and athletes participating in sports competitions organized by sports organization registered in the territory of the Russian Federation (including suspended athletes and athletes serving a period of ineligibility).
Beside RUSADA samples from Russian athletes can be collected by the relevant international sport federation, by the World anti-doping agency, by the organizer of major international competitions (e.g. international Olympic Committee) or, if the Russian athlete is outside of the Russian Federation, the relevant national anti-doping Agency. Officially such organization will be called "Organization responsible for testing" (Testing Authority). Doping control notification form (if used) or the doping control protocol will always contain information on whose behalf sample is collected when athlete receives notification.
Sample collection may be conducted at any place and at any time.
RUSADA has the right to test the Russian athletes in the Russian Federation and abroad. For the sample collection mission in other countries RUSADA can send their doping control officers or to turn to international agencies providing doping-control services or national anti-doping Agency of the country where the athlete is.
In most cases, to use products containing a prohibited substance or to use prohibited methods an athlete needs TUE obtained in advance. The prescription of the doctor does not replace TUE. More detailed information is given in the relevant section.
If you are registered in ADAMS, information on sample collection results will be available in your profile immediately after completion of the analysis. If you are not enrolled in ADAMS, we encourage you to contact Results Management Department via the phone +7 (499) 271-77-61, extension 110 to obtain information about the results of the analysis.
If the sample analysis reveals adverse analytical finding, you will receive notification at the address (postal or email) you indicated in the doping control protocol.
In the notice of the adverse analytical finding your rights and possible further actions are described in details.
You have the right to:
1. The B sample analysis (including the possibility of personal presence or representatives at the Sample B opening)
2. Request copies of the A and B Sample laboratory documentation package
3. the request for an expedited hearing on the provisional suspension issue
4. request of the final hearings, including expedited hearings in connection with specific sporting event.
Examples of application forms that must be filed to provide these rights you can find in Results Management section.
In case of notification on the adverse analytical finding or another anti-doping rule violation, we recommend immediately contact RUSADA Results Management Department via the phone +7 (499) 271-77-61, extension 110.
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