On September 26, 2018 the training of specialists responsible for anti-doping support under the program "Ethics in sports: key aspects of anti-doping activities" by RAA “RUSADA” and the Russian international Olympic University with the support of the Russian Ministry of sports was over.
The program was attended by specialists from more than 50 regions of Russia.
The training curriculum was developed by the RUSADA Deputy Director General Margarita Pakhnotskaya in cooperation with MGIMO-University Management and Marketing Associate Professor, head of “Management in sports” educational program and “Diplomacy in sports” Master program Elena Ponomareva.
The participants learned sports ethics and anti-doping rules, acquired knowledge, skills and abilities required in professional sphere, studied anti-doping legislation, anti-doping practices, the impact of social and organizational context on decisions in the field of anti-doping regulation, successful preventive practices, shared their regional anti-doping experience.
On the last day participants presented to the board of experts plans on promotion "Ethics in sports" project in the regions. Board of experts was represented by RUSADA Deputy Director General Margarita Pakhnotskaya, RIOU Vice-rector on scientific work Nikolay Peshin, head of Sochi Social policy Department, RIOU professor Galina Pushkar and Senior Project Manager Anti-Doping Convention Sport Conventions Division Council of Europe Liene Kozlovska.
After the exam participants got certificates of completion.