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RIOU organized advanced training courses for responsible for anti-doping


RIOU organized advanced training courses for responsible for anti-doping support.

More than 40 representatives of the sport federations passed through the training courses organized by the RUSADA specialists. Within the frames of the training, all the stages of doping control were studied in detail.

All trainees who passed the exam received a certificate confirming their qualification to carry out anti-doping activities using RUSADA materials.

"It was really interesting and informative, I learned something new and saw something familiar in a new light. Examples from real life were given, which helped to look more closely at the problematic areas. Live communication and discussion, the ability to listen to everyone and discuss this point of view is very important! - Yelena Zamolodchikova, two-time Olympic rhythmic gymnastics champion, member of the RUSADA Ambassadors Committee, noted.

Active work of the federations' employees, responsible for anti-doping, is the key to successful work to build a culture of zero tolerance for doping among representatives of the sport. We wish all the participants of the training success, enthusiasm and inexhaustible energy!