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Russian Anti-Doping Agency «RUSADA» launches RUSADA Educative Marathon dedicated to «Play True Day» (April 10)


On March 26, 2020, Russian Anti-Doping Agency «RUSADA» launches in its social media RUSADA Educative Marathon dedicated to «Play True Day» (April 10).

As part of the marathon, RUSADA experts will conduct a series of short lectures on the role of values-based education in creating true champions, importance of the fight against doping in professional and recreational sports, as well as on ABC of anti-doping rules. Following each course, there will be mini-tests for all users to check their knowledge, as well as opportunity to send all questions on the topics via RUSADA chat bot.

At the finish line of RUSADA Educative Marathon, there will be a broadcast “Your questions do matter”, a special lecture by RUSADA Deputy Director General Margarita Pakhnotskaya on athletes’ rights in antidoping, and drawing of special prizes.

The program also includes a special block for national teams’ athletes, who, in the days of training and competition restrictions, will be able to join lectures on narrow topics (TUE request process, doping control procedure details, providing information to ADAMS) at their convenient time during a day.

More details about the rules of RUSADA Educative Marathon can be found in RUSADA VKontakte group.