On January 31, 2019, Russian Anti-Doping Agency «RUSADA» and Russian Student Sports Union (RSSU) signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of educational and awareness-raising activities. The cooperation is aimed at the implementation of joint projects in the framework of the Concept for the development of student sports in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved by the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation in November 2017.
The implementation of the joint measures program will include educational projects and activities for young athletes and members of the student sports community, including professional development programs, which will be implemented on the basis of the All-Russian Center for Professional Competences of RSSU. These projects will be aimed at building anti-doping culture in the student community and in the whole society. The program of joint measures also includes cooperation on developing a regulatory framework for anti-doping activities of RSSU, as well as cooperation in the field of investigations of possible anti-doping rules violations.