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Among major tasks of any antidoping organizations is efficient test distribution plan where amount of sample collections is sort out according sports, sport disciplines, competing levels of athletes, types of testing, types of samples and analysis according to requirements of International Standard for Testing and Investigations.

As set out in Code, the starting point of the Test Distribution Plan must be a considered assessment of doping abuse based on following:

  • The physiological requirements of the relevant sport/discipline within the sport;
  • The possible performance-enhancing effects that doping may elicit;
  • Financial or other possible motivation for doping abuse;
  • The history of doping in the sport/sport discipline;
  • Available research on doping trends;
  • Information on possible doping practices in the sport;
  • The outcomes of previous test distribution planning cycles.

The main actions, thus, are risk assessment and prioritization as well as monitoring, review, modification and updating of the plan of tests distribution as necessary in the light of changing circumstances.

To improve the efficiency of its testing program RUSADA could include athletes in the registered and extended testing pools that would allow to test them in out-of-competition period.